Monday, January 30, 2017


In today's world, website is considered as a central hub for marketers activities online. The buying decision of any person is influenced when they visit your website, regardless of how your product or service has been promoted. People who visit your website have the highest chances of being converted if you proactively engage them. Most home pages are not designed for capturing the interest of the visitor, and due to lack of information or source where they can find what they are looking for; they return and never come back. Why not place a click to call service button for them? This will prevent you from losing customers to other websites.

Eventually, you can see an improvement in sales conversion and marketing efforts bear fruits rapidly. Here's how:
  1. You need to be clear with the goal you are looking to fulfil with the click to call button. You should make sure what you want the people to do. Whether they should take a survey or you want to make them customers by creating a sale, you goal should be defined clearly.
  2. Expand your paid search traffic - you can add information to the ads that appear and as Google likes to call it 'ad extension', is recommended by it. This helps you supplement your text ads with useful information. Here you can place a click to call button so that if your visitors are not able to find a thing, they can directly talk to you.
  3. When it is a matter of sale, you can place this button on each such place where the visitors are likely to get confused and go away. This is how you can retain visitors and after they click on the button, it up to you to make the sale.
  4. Write a clear and brief actionable text as this can make way for sale easily. It is important for visitors to know that they can use click to call to talk to a representative in case they need any clarifications. Ensure that they know the benefits of using this service.
  5. Place this button on any page that has your contact information as this is the most relevant place they can look for it. The response should be immediate in nature. Make the button attractive enough so that they do not lose time finding it. Most of them won't make effort to find it.
  6. You can use click to call to inform visitors of the offers and discounts that you provide. Include some important information that is compelling enough for them to give click on that button.
  7. A good location is necessary for the click to call button to be placed. For websites having multiple pages, make sure each page has the click to call button, else the user will not waste time and move to a different website. Retain customers by placing the click to call button prominently on each page.

As per stats, over 95% businesses miss this important Request to call back Service feature and lose customer and they are not even aware. So I hope you are now in the 5% and know how to grow using this simple tweak.

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