More and more hospitals these days are accepting bulk SMS services as their choice of
communication tools with existing as well as potential patients. The reason is
quite understandable, SMS services are fast, mobile is still the top choice of
communication channel, open rates mobile messages are very high, people read the
message within a very short span of receiving them. Bulk SMS has proven to be
one of the most effective tools for marketing for all kinds of businesses,
which the healthcare as also warmed up to and is now using to save huge costs
while not comprising efficiency.
Improved communication between hospital staff:
We have seen how doctors have beepers and pagers and even intercom announcements to facilitate communication between different teams and specialists. Cases in hospitals can be complex and often need the attention of more than one practitioner.
The old technology is efficient anymore and has several pitfalls, pagers never assign priority to tasks and do not let the members know about the specificity of the information they need or the urgency to it. Bulk SMS helps hospital staffs communicate better and enable them to stay up to date with such urgent communications, facilitating efficiency and quick action between teams. They also help doctors and nurses stay on top of patient histories and complications on the go, as most members do not have the time to read long mails, which enables them to prioritize and work better.
Low rate of missed appointments:
This is one of the biggest benefits of implementing bulk SMS in hospitals and other medical centers as it can reduce the frequency of missed patient appointments by a large number. An automated reminder text is usually sent to the patients prior to their appointment as well as one being sent when their appointment has been confirmed, with information of the date and time slot. The reminder message helps patients plan accordingly and reduces their chances of missing necessary routine check-ups, also mentioning the time slot will reduce wait time for patients, which is one of the biggest frustrations for most people and make for a good experience at the hospital and clinics. Survey by the British Journal of Healthcare Computing suggests that nearly 50 percent of missed checkups were primarily because of forgotten appointments. Missed appointments are a costly affair when it comes to both patients as well as the hospitals. Thus, SMS systems can help both patients as well as hospitals reduce huge costs with a small investment to keep their patients reminded.
Size of investment:
Unlike most other customer support communication systems, bulk SMS packages are reasonably priced, have flexible options and can be customized as per your needs. Other telecommunication facilities like call centers can often cost a fortune when it comes to managing them and needs specialized workforce, proper infrastructure and costly maintenance to keep them up to shape. But bulk messages from service providers can be sent from intuitive web-based dashboards that can be integrated with your hospital’s CRM and be managed by a single person quite easily. Thereby, saving you personnel cost, infrastructure cost and time without causing much uproar. Moreover, the industry of bulk SMS in Chandigarh or Chennai is highly competitive, hence most players keep their prices really low while offering various useful features.
Bulk SMS is being frequently used to not only manage existing patient communications but to also send promotional information about special discounted checkups and tests, enhance communication between medical teams and reduce number of missed appointments. In a way, the bulk SMS is helping the healthcare industry save more lives! So, if you’re looking for bulk SMS in Chennai feel free to check us out.
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