Tuesday, November 14, 2017

How To Find A Reliable Bulk SMS Service Provider

These days it seems smart phones and mobiles outnumber their owners! There are more people using smart phones than even using toothbrushes in some countries around the world! So, it is evident that businesses are trying hard to get in the sacred inbox of these large pairs of eyes to get their business or marketing message read. And the best way to do so is with a reliable bulk SMS service provider. With a simple click of a button companies now have the power to broadcast their messages to almost millions of viewers at the same time. 

The data gathered from various independent research facilities suggest, an SMS message is opened within 5 minutes of its delivery. That is why bulk SMSs are used for business communications by an array of industries to send messages regarding new product launch, seasonal discounts, limited period offers, coupon code promotions and even remind appointments. 

What makes a Bulk SMS service provider your best choice of a marketing tool? 

A reliable bulk SMS service provider should be flexible enough to be accommodated into any already ongoing marketing campaign. This is done without spending a lot and has shown to be greatly effective for SMEs in India. By adding bulk SMS marketing campaigns to their ongoing promotional activities, SMEs have successfully gathered many new customers and have also seen a boost in sales for different industries. 

More and more people are actively using SMS messaging in order to stay connected and are highly engaged in the content they receive. A research company, Juniper Research suggests 97% of the SMS messages are opened by the mobile phone owner, which is much higher than any other marketing channel. They even suggest that the SMSs are usually read within 4 – 6 minutes of SMS delivery. 

The most important aspect of using bulk SMS services is that they are direct, easy to manage and very cost effective. One can send a bulk SMS to their entire database at any point of time as it is a 24*7 available tool. For all companies that are seeking to grow, bulk SMS services offer great potentialities. All they need is a flexible package with the right features and an active internet service.  

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